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Planning and modelling of railway technology projects (BIM)

Planning and modelling of railway technology projects (BIM)

Digital planning, construction and operation

Planung und Modellierung BIM_2

Product description

In the Modelling & Design department, the entire project implementation is developed in a 3D BIM model. The BIM model serves as an information carrier and communication tool for all project participants, from the as-built survey through the various planning phases to work preparation and during the execution phase. 

Depending on requirements, the models created by us can show the as-built survey of a project perimeter or be prepared for a virtual project inspection. Once the planning phases have been completed, they can be used for work preparation or construction process simulation with automated schedule and cost calculation. The model enters the operating phase with utilisation during the construction phase and as-built documentation of the work carried out. At this point, our colleagues from Asset Management take over in the so-called "Rail Asset Hub". 

Our services

  • Inventory modelling as a basis for further planning 
  • Needs-based information enhancements and enrichment of the existing model 
  • Extended status documentation through to virtual project inspections 
  • Planning and project modelling 
  • 4D and 5D modelling 
  • As-built models 
  • Model-based building documentation 

Your advantages

  • High-quality and reliable foundations for efficient and forward-looking planning 
  • Efficient processes throughout the value chain thanks to targeted modelling information 
  • Cost and time savings through virtualised information for planning and construction preparation 
  • Highly reliable planning and reduced project risks  
  • Precise building documentation and transfer to operation 