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TrackDiagnosis: Tools for dashboard, track analysis & asset management

TrackDiagnosis: Tools for dashboard, track analysis & asset management

Rail Asset Hub - Our software tools for analysis and asset management


Product description

The three companies Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, iNovitas AG and Rosenthaler + Partner AG have formed a consortium under the name "ARGE FahrwegDiagnose".

We accompany and support railway companies with comprehensive software and consulting services and maximise the benefits for them in the management of their railway infrastructure. We offer INFRALIFE®, IRISSYS®, infra3D and our track diagnostics dashboard.

Our services

  • Evaluation of condition data for maintenance and renewal 
    renewal planning of railway infrastructures 
  • Configuration, hosting & support of the software solutions 
  • Comprehensive consulting services for asset management: 
    - LifeCycle processes of the various asset classes 
    - Data & information management 
    - Master data management 
    - Preparation of network status report in accordance with RTE 29,900 

Your advantages

  • Creation of a specialist data catalogue for the management of railway infrastructure components and parts 
  • Maintenance: mobile recording and management of measures, defects, faults, maintenance plans 
  • Preparation of network status report in accordance with RTE 29,900 
  • Management-orientated presentation of the analysis data (KPI) 
  • Linear line strips 
  • Integrated WebGIS solution creation  
  • For operations: capacity and incident management