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Universal transition module V-TRAS

Universal transition module V-TRAS

Our universal transition module V-TRAS (versatile transition system) represents a simple, holistic, and sustainable solution for connecting different fixed track structures to ballasted roadbeds. Taking out for instance ‘the bump at the end of the bridge’.

This system can be used for all different track types.

Universelles Übergangsmodul V-TRAS

What we can do for you:

From planning to delivery:

  • Design
  • Production
  • Supply components
  • Installation
  • Support


3D animation of transitions technology V-TRAS
Übergangsmodul V-TRAS_thumbnail
Universelles Übergangsmodul V-TRAS

In a function similar to a ramp, the universal transition module allows the compensation of settlements in both the superstructure and the substructure. It is independent of the slab track design.
