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Data preparation for 3D machine control and construction surveying

Data preparation for 3D machine control and construction surveying

The right data for your construction site


Product description

Data from digital planning should be used on the construction site. We create the required execution data for a wide range of machines equipped with 3D machine control and surveying equipment in optimum quality. 

This can be done from a wide variety of data sources  such as specifications, project documents, track axes,    3D models or point files. 

Thanks to partial automation and a well-documented process, even larger projects are no problem and our integrated quality gates guarantee a good product. 

Our services

  • Create digital terrain models 
  • Provide track axles 
  • Generate background maps 
  • Convert fixed points 
  • Drainage staking out 

Your advantages

  • Through internal dialogue with site managers and foremen, the construction site requirements in the field are well known (combination of theory and practice) 
  • Well-established, specialised and experienced team 